We welcome new members to the Committee and are active in fundraising to improve the facilities for children at Pre School.

Please see a brief description below with a little information about the Committee and what it involves 


The committee meets every month, at present the meetings are being held on zoom. We discuss things such as how the pre-school is doing financially, what is coming up at pre-school over the coming months, any fund raising ideas/ activities taking place, plus various other agenda items. Meetings are usually held on a Wednesday evening but we try to arrange them so that all members can attend so it is flexible.

Initially we would require your support at meetings, bringing new ideas to the committee. In the future when we can hold any events we would require assistance in terms of setting up/ being in attendance/ clearing up (if available), as well as, general committee duties. If you fancied it, there may also be scope for you to become more involved with the committee and take on a formal position such as Chair, Treasurer or Secretary in the future but only if you wanted to.

Before becoming a committee member, you must have a DBS check; which pre-school will arrange and apply for an Ofsted EY2 letter of suitability. You cannot become an official member of the committee until a letter of suitability has been issued by Ofsted , we will help you with this.



Rebecca Poole – Committee Chair


Pamela Dube- Cranmer Pre School Committee Treasurer

Lindsay Crouchman – Cranmer Pre School Committee Secretary  

Sarah Ford – Committee Fundraising Lead 

Gareth Parker – Committee Safeguarding Lead

Alex Robinson – Committee Member 

Joanna Kerr – Committee Member 



If you are interested in joining our Pre School Committee please 

e-mail us at cranmerpreschool@hotmail.co.uk

Cranmer Pre School Committee Documents

Cranmer Pre School Committee – Constitution

Cranmer Pre-school Constitution 2019

Cranmer Pre School Trustee Code of Conduct

Cranmer Pre-school Trustee Code of Conduct 2019

Cranmer Pre School Trustee Welcome Guide

Cranmer Pre-school Trustee Welcome Guide 2019


The Constitution & Code of Conduct have been signed by our pre school Committee Chair Rebecca Poole 

Paper copies are available on request.